
Life is a series of choices, and the "WHAT NEXT" workshop is your compass to navigate the crossroads. This workshop is designed to inspire, inform, and ignite your passion to design your future.

"WHAT NEXT"  is conducted over two weekends to explore and create your future. 

Course Content

Intended Course Outcomes

Join us on this empowering journey and let's shape a career that reflects the essence of who you are. Your purpose awaits – but you don't have to rush, think and take your time then decide. If you have any questions please get in touch. 

This program is designed to be beneficial if you find yourself in one or more of the following situations:

Please note that the 'WHAT NEXT' program may not be suitable for individuals seeking quick results. 

Two weekends (9 AM-1 PM) 

Write to us if you need more information about the course or logistics.


Text/WhatsApp +44 782 164 5866